Monday, September 30, 2013

The Usual Monday Evening

Hey... The title says it all.
Today I got the grade for a french exam I did last week. I got 28% DX
I suppose I have to study more. At least I know understand the stuff in that exam, so after all I learnt something XD
It´s 21:00 here and I still haven´t done the homework that´s due tomorrow. I have to write a description of myself without using adjectives. My Spanish teacher is crazy, he always sends so wacky excercises. And he is that sort of person who has a monotonous voice and talks a lot. Argh.
Hum, how could I do the homework? I suppose I could put stuff like "My eyes are like mud"
On Wednesday I have a Science exam. I think I will do acceptably well because I know the topic quite well, it´s about nutrients and digestion.
See ya, I gotta finish me homework!


Hiya everyone! I am MisterChunkybuddy! Although I already have a blog, I decided to make this one to just post random non-aj related stuff. So, hope you enjoy it!